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My first exposure and interest in Plastic surgery was sparked whilst working as a junior doctor in the plastic surgery and burns unit in Brisbane, Australia. The Bali bombings occurred during this time, with an unprecedented number of burns patients admitted to the burns unit for reconstruction and rehabilitation.

Mr Anthony Barabas

BM,  MRCS(Eng), Dip Hand Surgery(UK,EU)

FRCS (Plast)

Having been born and brought up in Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk, I chose to return to East Anglia to complete my basic surgical training. I worked in the plastic surgery units of both Addenbrookes hospital in Cambridge, and then the Norfolk and Norwich hospital.

I was awarded a much coveted plastic surgery training position in London, rotating through the following hospitals:

– Guys and St. Thomas’ hospital
– St Georges hospital, Tooting
– The Chelsea and Westminster hospital
– The Queen Victoria Hospital, East Grinstead (the birth-place of modern plastic surgery)

I have particular interest and experience in the following:

– Skin cancer surgery: extensive experience throughout my training, but especially whilst working for Prof Powell (UK Reader for skin cancer) at St Georges hospital, during which time I performed research and published work on melanoma for which I won the RSM UK Surgical trainee of the year 2010 (known also as the Norman Tanner Prize and Glaxo medal).

– Breast Reconstruction: my training in this important field was consolidated at the Queen Victoria hospital in East Grinstead (a centre of excellence in breast reconstruction) where I performed all aspects of breast reconstruction, including liposculpture, implant based, pedicled and free flap reconstructions.
– Body contouring surgery: the increase in bariatric surgery, has resulted in increased demand for post massive weight loss body contouring. 

-I spent 6 months working for one of the only surgeons in the UK (Mr. Soldin- St Georges hospital) whose NHS practice is predominantly body contouring surgery. I  co-authorod chapters on body contouring with Mr Soldin for the Oxford Textbook of Plastic Surgery.
– Hand and Wrist surgery: Hand trauma is a major component of plastic surgery training. However, over the last two years of my training, I accumulated extensive experience in elective hand and wrist surgery through working in world-renown specialist hand centres.

– I was awarded scholarships from both the British (BSSH) and European (FESSH) hand societies for a 4 month fellowship in the Martin Singer Hand Unit at the Groote Schuur hospital in Cape Town, where I had the unique opportunity to observe and carry out reconstructions of severely injured hands.

– Following this I undertook a 6 month Congenital Hand fellowship at Great Ormond Street Hospital, where I was involved in the full range of paediatric hand surgery.

– I completed my training with a 12-month interface hand fellowship at the Pulvertaft hand unit in Derby. This unit offers all aspects of upper limb surgery, however it is recognized worldwide as a centre of excellence and innovation in wrist surgery.

– I am confident in my abilities to manage and treat the full spectrum of adult and children’s hand and wrist pathologies. Nine of my 23 publications have been specifically related to surgery of the hand, and I have co-authored chapters on Rarer upper limb compression syndromes and on Hand Infections for a Hand Surgery textbook published by Churchill Livingstone.

  • Click on the links below to read some of the articles I was featured in.


    Full thickness skin grafts do not increase complications when used with the modified Flatt technique in syndactyly release
    Barabas A, Pickford M
    3rd European Paediatric Hand Conference, GOSH, London, 13-14 Jan 2014

    Fanconi Anaemia: Examining guidelines for testing all patients with radial ray or thumb anomalies
    Barabas A, Gill Smith
    ASSH 2013 Conference, San Francisco, USA

    Syndactyly release
    Barabas A, Pickford M
    9th Croatian Plastic Surgery Congress, Zagreb, 5th Oct 2012

    Matriderm: A new option for post burn reconstruction
    Barabas A, Leon-Villapalos J
    South African Burn Society, Cape Town, 10-12th Nov 2011

    Morbidity and outcomes of pelvic sentinel node biopsy
    Barabas A, Kaoutzanis C, Allan R, Hussain M, Powell B
    7th International Sentinel node meeting, Yokohama, Japan, 18th Nov 2010

    Fanconi Anaemia: Examining guidelines for testing all patients with radial ray or thumb anomalies
    Barabas A, Gill Smith
    BSSH meeting, London, 16-17th Nov 2014

    Complications do not increase complications when used with the Flatt technique in syndactyly release surgery
    Barabas A, Mehta S, Pickford M
    BSSH meeting, Harrogate, 25-26th April 2013

    Fanconi’s anaemia referral patterns
    Barabas A, Smith G,
    London and East of England Genetic meeting, 6th Feb 2013

    Chemotherapy for aggressive infantile digital fibromatosis secondary to syndactyly release
    Barabas A, Harley O, Fleming A
    BSSH meeting, Nottingham, 30th Mar 2011

    When should pelvic sentinel nodes be harvested?
    Barabas A, Kaoutzanis C, Allan R, Hussain M, Powell B
    BAPRAS Winter meeting, 5th Dec 2010

    Procedure specific consent in carpal tunnel surgery
    Teoh V, Barabas A, Colville J, Fleming A
    BSSH meeting, London, 11th Nov 2010

    The bilateral DIEP flap: Anastomoses to ipsilateral internal mammary vessels
    Barabas A, Shafighi M, Sassoon E, Haywood R
    BAPRAS Winter meeting, 5th Dec 2007

    Vascular supply to the distal spinal cord to explain a focal spinal infarct following AAA repair
    Barabas A, Pandis D, Clarke J
    British Assoc. of Clinical Anatomists, Winter Scientific Meeting, Dec 2006, University of East Anglia


    Comparison of capillary refill techniques in monitoring free flaps
    Barabas A, Howieson A, Haywood RM
    East Anglian Regional Plastic Surgical meeting, May 2007

    Problematic persistent dribbling associated with acquired Andy Gump deformity, Barabas A, Clibbon J
    East Anglian Regional Plastic Surgical meeting, Jan 2007



    Hand fellowship in Cape Town, Barabas A
    FESSH conference, Antwerp Belgium, 20 -23rd June 2012

    A review of anastomotic techniques for the bilateral DIEP flap and our modification for anastomosis of both pedicles to the int. mammary vessels
    Barabas A, Shafighi M, Sassoon E, Haywood R
    ORBS meeting 22 – 24 September 2008, Nottingham, UK

    The effect of Ice Vests on evaporative losses in Burns Surgery Theatre Staff, Martin A, Barabás A, Rudd M
    The International Society of Burns Injuries conference in Yokohama, Japan, Aug 2004


    BSSH Sponsored Hand fellowship to South Africa, Barabas A
    BSSH conference, York, 10 – 12 Oct 2012

    Standardising Measurement Techniques Improves Capillary Refill Measurements in Free Flaps
    Barabas A, Howieson A, Haywood RM
    British Association of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery conference, Deauville, France, 4th- 6th July

  • 1. Distribution of basement membrane pores in bronchus revealed by microscopy following epithelial removal
    Howat W, Barabás T, Lackie P
    The Journal of Structural Biology, Sept 2002; 139(3):137-45

    2. Complex scalp wound defects from cicatrical pemphigoid and ionizing radiation
    Liew V, Rudd M, Martin A, Barabas A, Pegg S
    Burns Aug 2004; 30(5): 495-8

    3. Christmas in the Outback
    Barabas A
    BMJ Career Focus Dec 2006; 333:240

    4. A personal response to a personal view of plastic surgeons
    Barabas AG, Barabas AP
    BMJ Epub Jan 2007

    5. Surgical technique. The ambidextrous surgeon’s knot: an alternate way to tie the surgeon’s knot.
    Jha PK, Barabas A, Sharma H
    Can J Surg. Dec 2007;50(6):470-1

    6.Knot burying technique in epitendinous repair of tendons
    Barabas A
    J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. 2008;61(2):228-9. Epub 2007 Nov 12

    7. The bilateral free DIEP flap: a method of bipedicled anastomosis to a single internal mammary artery and venae commitans,
    Barabas AG, Shafighi M, Sassoon EM, Haywood RM,
    J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. 2008 Oct;61(10):1249-51. Epub ’08 Jun26.

    8. Midair microanastomosis made easier: syringe and suture pack foil as a platform and background
    Barabas AG, Soldin M
    J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg 2009 Jun;62(6):846-7. Epub 2009 Apr

    9. A simple technique for secure external fixation of hand fractures: bent k-wires wrapped in cement
    Barabas A, James M
    J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. 2010 Feb,63(2)e202-3. Epub 2009 Jun 6

    10. Reconstruction of a thumb defect with Integra following wide local excision of a subungual melanoma
    Smock ED, Barabas AG, Geh JL
    J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. 2010, Jan,63(1)e36-7. Epub 2009 Jul 18

    11. When should pelvic sentinel nodes be harvested?
    Kaoutzanis C, Barabas AG, Allan R, Hussain M, Powell BW
    J ISNS 2010, Nov 151

    12. Body contouring surgery – the neglected sibling of bariatric surgery!
    Barabas AG, Leckenby J, Soldin M
    BMJ epub 19 Nov 2010

    13. The “periosteal anchor stitch”: opening up the surgical field
    Shah A, Barabas AG, Matthews A, Sassoon E, Haywood R
    Microsurgery March 2011 31:251-252

    14. A biocompatible silicone framework for external ear reconstruction using a phosphorylcholine coating
    Link C, Barabas AG, Tanner B
    PRS July 2011;128(1):22e-3e

    15. Audit of acute hand trauma services in the Pan-Thames region: have things changed in 7 years?
    Hussain A, Sen S, Walker R, Barabas AG, Skillman J, Fleming AM
    Accepted RCS Annuals, July 2011

    16. When should pelvic sentinel nodes be harvested in melanoma?
    Kaoutzanis C, Barabas AG, Allan R, Hussain M, Powell BW
    J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. 2012 Jan;65(1):85-90. Epub 2011 Sep 21.

    17. Flexor pollicis longus tendon repair in patients with Linburg-Comstock anomaly.
    Barabas AG,
    J Hand Surg Eur Vol. 2013 Feb;38(2):203-4

    18. A future for injection lipolysis?
    Tanner B, Barabas T, Crook D, Link C
    Aesthet Surg J. 2013 Mar;33(3):456-7

    19. Improved patient awareness and satisfaction using Procedure Specific Consent Forms in Carpal Tunnel Decompression Surgery
    Teoh V, Arnander M, Barabas A, Umarji S, Fleming A
    J Hand Surg (E). 2013;18(1):53-7

    20. Results of syndactyly release using a modification of the Flatt technique
    Barabas A, Pickford M
    J Hand Surg (E). Vol. 2014. 2014 Nov;39(9):984-8

    21. Surgical tips to optimize digital flexor sheath washout
    Nikkah D, Barabas T
    Hand Surg 2014; 19(2):293-5

    22. The “pole and tent” pressure dressing
    Salibi A, Barabas A
    Emerg Med J 2014 Sep 19 (epub)

    23. Fanconi Anaemia: Examining guidelines for testing all patients with radial ray or thumb anomalies
    Barabas A, Wallner C, Hurst J, Smith G
    J Hand Surg (E). Submitted Jan 2014

Plastic Surgery

Anthony is an amazing surgeon and makes you feel at ease all the way through from consultation
to the end result.

Lisa James

Dr Barabas was calm, kind, patient and extremely informative throughout. His aftercare was
second to none .


Mr Barabas immediately put me at ease and took plenty of time to answer all questions and make
sure we picked the correct procedure for me.

Kitty Tiz

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