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What is the Areola?

The areola is the dark coloured skin that surrounds the breast nipple by a few centimetres.


What is the size of a Normal Areola?

The size of female areolae is very variable and change with time. 4cm is quoted as the average diameter, but really depends on several factors. Larger breasts tend to have larger areolae, and areolae can increasewith breast feeding/pregnancy. As a rule of thumb, the areola is typically three times smaller in diameter than the breast that it is on, and three time larger than the nipple it surrounds. 


What are the Bumps on my Areola?

These are Montgomery glands, which are not usually visible until you are aroused or pregnant. They may increase during pregnancy and breast feeding. They are a combination of milk and sebaceous glands and lubricate the nipple-areolar complex and emit a smell to help newborns locate and latch onto the nipple.   


Can my Areola be Reduced?

Yes, there are several ways of reducing an areola. All involve scars around the outside of the areola, at the junction with normal breast skin. For small reductions this "peri-areola" circular scar may be all that is required. But for larger reductions, to reduce future "stretching out ", a lollipop lift is recommended.


Areola Reduction

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