What is breast reduction surgery?
Breast reduction is surgery to reduce the size of your breasts.
Why would I have breast reduction surgery?
Women with large breasts commonly complain of neck or back pain due to the weight of their breasts, or sometimes pain due to grooving of their bra straps over their shoulders. The bra straps can also press on the nerves leading down into the arms, causing shoulder, arm or even hand pins and needles and pains. Some women simply feel that their breast size is out of proportion with the rest of their body, and have difficulty getting clothes to fit, and want a smaller breast size. After pregnancy or weight loss the breasts can become more pendulous ("droopy"), and a breast reduction combined with a breast lift (mastopexy) is then required.
What does breast reduction involve?
Breast reduction involves removing some of the breast tissue and skin of the breast. This tissue is primarily removed from the lower pole of the breast, beneath the nipple, as scars here heal well and are not easily seen.
What scars will I have?
The pattern of scars depends on the current size of your breasts, and how much smaller you want to go. Where only a small reduction is requested, and if you have the correct skin type (usually on in women under 25 years of age), liposuction alone may be possible. All other techniques involve a circular scar around the nipple, and your nipple will usually be moved to a slightly higher position. A scar will extend from your nipple down to the fold under your breast. This may be all that is required in smaller breasts, but usually a "J" or "inverted T" shaped scar is required, with the horizontal component running along the inframammary fold. The scars tend to heal so well that once fully settled they are difficult to find. For two weeks after your surgery, you will be asked to wear a well fitted sports bra which helps with swelling. Underwiring can rub on the scar causing problems, and therefore there should be no underwiring in bras for the first few months after surgery.
Will the sensation in my nipples decrease?
In the short term there can be some reduced sensation, however with larger breast reductions there can be some degree of permanent decreased sensation.
Will I be able to breastfeed?
If you give birth after breast reduction surgery, you should be able to breastfeed as normal. Problems with breastfeeding normally only occur after very large breast reductions.